Specialization: Physical geography, environmental studies
Research Interests: Physical geography, human adaptations to fluvial (river) geomorphologies, geospatial techniques, countermapping, geonarratives, creative methods in geography
Office Phone: 89818500 ext. 2222
Room Number: Bulwagang Silangang Palma, Room 416
Academic Profile
VANESSA JOY ANACTA, PhD, Assistant Professor
Specialization: Cognitive and Behavioral Geography, Geospatial Technologies, Hazards and Vulnerability Research, GIScience
Research Interests: Wayfinding, Spatial Cognition (of Disasters), Participatory GIS
Office Phone: 89818500 ext. 2222
ORCID Academic Profile
JAKE ROM D. CADAG, Ph.D., Associate Professor
Specialization: Disasters, Climate Change, Climate and Disaster Risk Assessment, Participatory Methods, Heograpiyang Pilipino, Development
Office Phone: 89818500 ext. 2222
Room Number: PAV 2232
Google Scholar Academic Profile
MYLENE T. DE GUZMAN, Assistant Professor
Specialization: Cultural Geography
Research Interests: Geonarratives, Media geographies, Fandom, Geographies of cyberspace/Digital geographies
Office Phone: 89818500 ext. 2222
Room Number: Bulwagang Silangang Palma, Room 404
ORCID Google Scholar Academic Profile
EMMANUEL B. GARCIA, EnP, Assistant Professor
Specialization: Community-Based Disaster Risk Reduction and Management, Land Use Planning
Research Interests: Disaster Risk Reduction and Management, Heritage Mapping, Transport and Development
Office Phone: 89818500 ext. 2222
Room Number: Bulwagang Silangang Palma, Room 412
Academic Profile
Specialization: Physical Geography, Climatology, Southeast Asia, Field Methods
Research Interests: Climate-related disasters; hazard perception; tropical cyclones; spatial vulnerability
Office Phone: 89818500 ext. 2222
Room Number: PAV 2236
Academic Profile
Research Interests: Living alone, loneliness and aloneness; geographies of development and well-being; cluster analysis; social network and belongingness; geographies of everyday life; geographies of health and healthcare utilization
Room Number: Bulwagang Silangang Palma, Room 418
Academic Profile
YANY P. LOPEZ, PhD Associate Professor
Specializations: Children’s geographies; child participation; geographic education; environmental education; disaster education; DRR; countermapping; geonarratives
Office Phone: 89818500 ext. 2222
Room Number: PAV 2234
Academic Profile
Research Interests: Quantitative Methods
Room Number: PAV 2230
Academic Profile
MA. SIMEONA M. MARTINEZ, Assistant Professor
Specializations: Remote Sensing and Geographical Information Systems; Participatory Methods for Community-based Project Planning
Office Phone: 89818500 ext. 2222
Room Number: Bulwagang Silangang Palma, Room 408
Academic Profile
LOU ANGELI OCAMPO, PhD Assistant Professor
Specializations: Political Ecology, Rural Geographies; Disaster Risk Perception; Geografiyang Pilipino
Office Phone: 89818500 ext. 2222
Room Number: PAV 2238
Academic Profile
Specializations: Cultural geography, media geographies, geohumanities, countercartographies, island and archipelagic geographies, film and music geographies
Office Phone: 89818500 ext. 2222
Room Number: Bulwagang Silangang Palma, Room 410
Academic Profile
Room Number: Bulwagang Silangang Palma, Room 415
Academic Profile