Department Representative to the CSSP Student Council
The Department Representative represents Geography in the College of Social Sciences and Philosophy (CSSP) student council activities. They are responsible in developing projects and other activities that promote the discipline and encourage social awareness and volunteerism among the students in partnership with the Department Core Group.
The Department Core Group
The Department Core Group is the student volunteer arm of the Geography Department, headed by the Department Representative. It provides assistance to geography majors and actively participate in department and college activities.
Visit the Geomajie Core Group Facebook Page HERE
College of Social Sciences and Philosophy Student Council (CSSPSC)
The CSSPSC is the student-led body of the college responsible in providing leadership and service that caters to the needs of the studentry. It endeavors to represent and advance the interests of students and foster their participation by offering relevant Staff and spearheading campaigns and activities
University Student Council
The UP Diliman University Student Council (USC) is the highest representative body of the students in the University of the Philippines Diliman.