Joseph Palis, Associate Professor; Director, Third World Studies Center
Ph.D. Geography, University of North Carolina-Chapel Hill
MSc Geography, University of the Philippines
BS Geography, University of the Philippines
Specializations: Cultural geography, media geographies, geohumanities, countercartographies, island and archipelagic geographies, film and music geographies
Courses Taught:
- Island and Archipelagic Geographies (GEOG 245)
- Special topics on violent geographies, radical & Antipodean geographies, media geographies, cinematic geographies (GEOG 242)
- Cultural Geography (Graduate class GEOG 226 & Undergraduate class GEOG 173)
- Geohumanities & Spatial Humanities (GEOG 214)
- Cultures of Mapping and Counter-Cartographies (Graduate class GEOG 292)
- Cinematic Geographies ~ National Cinema (Graduate class GEOG 242)
- Media Geographies (Graduate class GEOG 242)
- Seminar (GEOG 199)
- Field Methods in Geography (GEOG 192)
- Places and Landscapes in a Changing World (GEOG 1)
- Asian Emporiums: Networks of Culture and Trade in Southeast Asia (SEA 30)
- Filipino Perspectives on Philippine Development (PS 330)
- Intermediate International Studies (IS 393 @ NC State University)
- Modern Asian Cinema (ENG 492/IDS 496 @ NC State University)
- East and Southeast Asian Cinema (IDS 496/ENG 492 @ NC State University)
- Cinema, Nation & Globalization (INTS 92 @ UNC-Chapel Hill)
- Introduction to East Asian National Cinema (COM 451 @ UNC Chapel Hill)
- Global Issues (INTS 210 @ UNC Chapel Hill)
- World Regional Geography (GEOG 120 @ UNC-Chapel Hill)
- Mobile Geographies: The Political Economy of Migration (GEOG 452 @ UNC-Chapel Hill)
- Nation and National Identity in an Age of Globalization (AMST 277 @ UNC-Chapel Hill)
- Asia Pacific: The ‘Far East’ and the ‘Orient’ (GEOG 265 @ UNC Chapel Hill)
Recent Publications:
- Guillard, S.,Palis, J. & Johansson, O. (eds.) (2024). New Geographies of Music 2: Music in Urban Tourism, Heritage Politics and Place-Making, Palgrave Macmillan Pivot Series.
- Kothari, U. & Palis, J. (2024), Colonial and postcolonial literary representations of islands, in Routledge Handbook of Literary Geographies, Neal Alexander and David Cooper (eds.), New York: Routledge.
- Kanngieser, A., Soares, F., Rubis, J., Sullivan CT, Graham, M., Williams, M. Palis, J., Tynan, L., Daley, L., Blacklock, F., Greenhough, B., Suchet-Pearson, S., Wright, S., Loyd, K., Marshall, UB (2024), Listening to place, practising relationality: Embodying six emergent protocols for collaborative relational geographies, Emotion, Space and Society, Vol. 50 1-10. [101000]. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.emospa.2024.101000
- Akatiff, C., Che, D., Gill, R., Helmer, B., Kaplan, D., Nemeth, DJ, O’Brien, M., Palis, J., Pretes, M. & Seemann, J. (2023). Dr Ack Rides Again: Adventures in Radical Geography, Many Small Stories, and a Banjo, Yearbook of the Association of Pacific Coast Geographers, Vol. 85, pp. 93-120. 10.1353/pcg.2023.a913572
- Johansson, O., Guillard, S. & Palis, J. (eds.) (2023). New Geographies of Music 1: Urban Policies, Live Music, and Careers in a Changing Industry, Palgrave Macmillan Pivot Series..
- Wright, S., Palis, J., Osborne, N., Miller, F., Paiva Henrique, K., Everingham, P. & Borovnik, M. (2023). Storying pandemia collectively: sharing plural experiences of interruption, dislocation, care and connection, Geohumanities, Volume 9, No. 1, pp. 1-23. https://doi.org/10.1080/2373566X.2022.2147445
- Hawkins, M. & Palis, J. (2022). Geonarrating Subaltern Stories-So-Far, Banwaan: The Philippine Journal of Folklore, 2(1), 121-138.
- De Guzman, M., Palis, J. & Garcia, E. (2022). Living in a Material (Covid-19) World: Covid-19, Materialities, and Quotidian Geographies in the Philippines, Material Culture, 54(1), pp. 23-44.
- Palis, J. (2022). Geonarratives and countermapped storytelling, in Reimagining Futures: Decolonisation and Doing Development Differently: Routledge Handbook of Global Development, K. Sims, N. Banks, S. Engel, P. Hodge, J. Makuwira, N. Nakamura, J. Rigg, A. Salamanca & P. Yeophantong (eds.), New York: Routledge, pp. 700-712. https://www.taylorfrancis.com/chapters/edit/10.4324/9781003017653-66/geonarratives-countermapped-storytelling-joseph-palis
- Palis, J. (2022). What Becomes of the Broken-Hearted?: Diasporic Melancholia and Geographies of Care in ‘Island’”, Pelikula: A Journal of Philippine Cinema, Volume 7, pp. 33-37.
- Martinez, MS & Palis, J. (2021). Faces, Places: Countermapping Art, Subalternities and Counterpublics, Art & the Public Sphere, 10(2), pp. 185-193.
- Palis, Joseph (2018). “Metro Manila: La citta come testo e non luggo (Metro Manila: The city as text and non-place)”, in Domus (Special Issue: Architecture in the Philippines, December 2018.
- Wißmann, Torsten & Joseph Palis (2018). “Not Fade Away”, in Kimberley Peters’ Sound, Space and Society: Rebel Radio, London: Palgrave-Macmillan Pivot Series.
- Wißmann, Torsten & Joseph Palis (2018). “Media is the Focus”, in Tobias Boos’ Inhabiting Cyberspace: The Web Presence of the Contrade of Siena, Italy, London: Palgrave-Macmillan Pivot Series.
- Palis, Joseph (2017), “Of Spectralities and Afterlives in Philippine Cinema”, Plaridel Journal, 14(1), January-June 2017.
- Palis, Joseph (2016). “Lost Geographies and Post-Cartographic Cinema”, Territorios do Cinema: Representações e Paisagens da Pós-Modernidade (Territories of Cinema: Representations and Landscapes of Post-Modernity), Fatima Velez de Castro & João Luís J. Fernandes (eds.), Eumed: Universidade de Málaga.
- Palis, Joseph (2015). “Film Festivals, the Globalization of Images and Post- National Cinephilia”, The Pennsylvania Geographer, 53(2), Fall/Winter 2015.
- Finn, John & Joseph Palis (2015). “The Medium, The Message, and Media Geography in the 21st Century”, GeoJournal, 80(6), http://link.springer.com/article/10.1007/s10708-015-9646-2/fulltext.html
- Cravey, Altha, Joseph Palis and Gabriela Valdivia (2015). “Imagining the Future from the Margins: Cyborg Labor in Alex Rivera’s ‘Sleep Dealer’”, GeoJournal, 80(6), http://link.springer.com/article/10.1007%2Fs10708-015-9652-4